To update the dependencies we need to modify the stack.yaml to tell stack to use version 4.1 of the Stackage lts.

Stackage is a stable source of Haskell packages that guarantee that haskell packages build consistently, thus avoiding the cabal hell problem.

--- a/stack.yaml
+++ b/stack.yaml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

-resolver: lts-3.20
+resolver: lts-4.1

After updating the stack.yaml we need to remove the version constraints of our dependencies so we can use the versions specified by the Stackage lts.

--- a/flora.cabal
+++ b/flora.cabal
@@ -48,40 +48,44 @@ library

     build-depends: base                          >= 4          && < 5
-                 , yesod                         >= 1.4.1      && < 1.5
-                 , yesod-core                    >= 1.4.6      && < 1.5
-                 , yesod-auth                    >= 1.4.0      && < 1.5
-                 , yesod-static                  >=    && < 1.6
-                 , yesod-form                    >= 1.4.0      && < 1.5
-                 , classy-prelude                >= 0.10.2
-                 , classy-prelude-conduit        >= 0.10.2
-                 , classy-prelude-yesod          >= 0.10.2
-                 , bytestring                    >= 0.9        && < 0.11
-                 , text                          >= 0.11       && < 2.0
-                 , persistent                    >= 2.0        && < 2.3
-                 , persistent-postgresql         >= 2.1.1      && < 2.3
-                 , persistent-template           >= 2.0        && < 2.3
+                 , yesod
+                 , yesod-core
+                 , yesod-auth
+                 , yesod-static
+                 , yesod-form
+                 , classy-prelude
+                 , classy-prelude-conduit
+                 , classy-prelude-yesod
+                 , bytestring
+                 , text
+                 , persistent
+                 , persistent-postgresql
+                 , persistent-template
                  , template-haskell
-                 , shakespeare                   >= 2.0        && < 2.1
-                 , hjsmin                        >= 0.1        && < 0.2
-                 , monad-control                 >= 0.3        && < 1.1
-                 , wai-extra                     >= 3.0        && < 3.1
-                 , yaml                          >= 0.8        && < 0.9
-                 , http-conduit                  >= 2.1        && < 2.2
-                 , directory                     >= 1.1        && < 1.3
-                 , warp                          >= 3.0        && < 3.2
+                 , shakespeare
+                 , hjsmin
+                 , monad-control
+                 , wai-extra
+                 , yaml
+                 , http-conduit
+                 , directory
+                 , warp
                  , data-default
-                 , aeson                         >= 0.6        && < 0.10
-                 , conduit                       >= 1.0        && < 2.0
-                 , monad-logger                  >= 0.3        && < 0.4
-                 , fast-logger                   >= 2.2        && < 2.5
-                 , wai-logger                    >= 2.2        && < 2.3
+                 , aeson
+                 , conduit
+                 , monad-logger
+                 , fast-logger
+                 , wai-logger
                  , file-embed
                  , safe
                  , unordered-containers
                  , containers
                  , vector
                  , time
+                 -- yesod Could not find module 'Foreign.Store'
+                 -- need to find a better way so there is no need
+                 -- to include this in the final binary.
+                 , foreign-store

 executable         flora
     if flag(library-only)
@@ -118,7 +122,7 @@ test-suite test

     build-depends: base
                  , flora
-                 , yesod-test >= 1.4.3 && < 1.5
+                 , yesod-test
                  , yesod-core
                  , yesod
                  , persistent
@@ -127,6 +131,6 @@ test-suite test
                  , monad-logger
                  , shakespeare
                  , transformers
-                 , hspec >= 2.0.0
+                 , hspec
                  , classy-prelude
                  , classy-prelude-yesod

If you don’t want to remove the dependencies constraints, you’ll need to update the constraints to match those in the Stackage lts.

We can rebuild the application once both files - stack.yaml and flora cabal - are updated. In order to do that, run the following commands:

# setup stack to get the appropriate GHC
stack setup

# install the appropriate versions of yesod-bin and cabal
stack install yesod-bin-1.4.17 cabal-install

# just to be sure, we are going to rebuild yesod-bin
stack build yesod-bin-1.4.17 .

Now we can run the application via ghci:

stack ghci
#only necessary when starting ghci
:l app/DevelMain.hs
# execute everytime you change a file or when you want to reload the application.